Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to common questions about our programs, courses, and services.


Find answers to common questions about Kingston Institute's courses, application process, funding options, and support services.

What courses are offered?

How do I apply?

Are there funding options available?

What support services are provided?

Still have questions?

What are the entry requirements?

Can I study part-time?

Is there accommodation available?

What career support is offered?

Can international students apply?

Contact Us

Get in touch with us today for more information.

VET Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to commonly asked questions about vocational education and training (VET).

What is VET?

Why choose VET?

How to enroll in VET?

What are the career prospects after completing VET?

Are there any financial assistance options for VET courses?

What are the entry requirements for VET courses?

Can I study VET online?

Are VET qualifications recognized internationally?

Can I get government support for VET courses?

How long do VET courses typically take to complete?

Still have questions?

Reach out to our team for further assistance.

English Language FAQs

Have questions about our English language training courses? Find answers here.

What is ELICOS?

Who can enroll?

How long are the courses?

What are the course options?

Are the courses accredited?

Is financial aid available?

Can I work while studying?

What are the class sizes?

Are online classes available?

Can I transfer credits?

Still have questions?

Contact us for more information.

Pre-Accredited Training FAQs

Find answers to common questions about university pathways and partnerships.

What is VET?

What are pre-accredited training programs?

Why study English in Australia?

What English courses are available?

Why choose Kingston Institute?

Is financial aid available?

Can international students apply?

What are the admission requirements?

Are scholarships available?

How can I apply?


Still have questions?

Career Planning FAQs

Find answers to common questions about our career consultation and planning services, as well as support for new settlers.

What is career consultation?

How can you help new settlers?

What courses do you offer?

How can I contact you?

Question text goes here

Still have questions?

Contact us today!

Funding Support FAQs

Find answers to commonly asked questions about government-funded programs and loan schemes available to students.

What is VET?

What are pre-accredited training programs?

Why study English in Australia?

What English courses are available?

What support do you offer?

What are the eligibility requirements for government-funded programs and loan schemes?

How do I apply for government funding?

What are the repayment options for student loans?

Can I get financial assistance for living expenses?

Are there any scholarships available?

Still have questions?

Contact us today!

Application Process FAQs

Find answers to common questions about the application process and form.

How do I apply?

What are the eligibility criteria?

How long does it take to process the application?

What documents do I need to submit?

Can I apply for multiple courses?

Still have questions?

Contact us today!

International Student FAQs

Find answers to frequently asked questions about studying and living in Australia as an international student.

How to apply?

What courses are offered?

Is financial aid available?

What support services are provided?

Can I work while studying?

How do I contact Kingston Institute?

What are the entry requirements?

Can I transfer credits?

What are the tuition fees?

Is accommodation provided?

Still have questions?

Contact us today!

Student FAQs

Find answers to common questions about account creation, login procedures, and student dashboard access.

How do I create an account?

How do I log in?

How do I access my student dashboard?

How can I reset my password?

How do I enroll in a course?

How can I contact support?

How do I access course materials?

How long do courses last?

How can I access my certificates?

How do I provide feedback?

Still have questions?

Contact our support team for further assistance.

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